
Janice E. Knoefel MD, MPH is a neurologist and geriatrician with 40 years experience. Born and raised in Columbus Ohio, she graduated from Ohio State University School of Medicine and has trained in internal medicine, neurology, geriatric neurology and public health. She has been on the faculty of the University of Cincinnati, Boston University and at the University of New Mexico since 1996. She is Professor of Medicine (Geriatrics) and Neurology. She participates in clinical care, teaching, and research. She is an expert in neurological diseases of aging, most importantly Alzheimer Disease and dementias of all types. She is the clinical director of the Center for Memory and Aging at UNM?s Clinical Neurosciences Center and is the Administrative Core co-director of the NM Alzheimer Disease Research Center. Since 2019, she has led UNM?s campus-wide Aging Grand Challenge initiative.

Aree di specializzazione

Demenza e cura dell'Alzheimer
Neurologia geriatrica
Prevenzione del declino cognitivo
Invecchiamento sano

Risultati e premi

Consiglio americano di psichiatria e neurologia - 1982
Società Americana di Neuroriabilitazione (CAQ) - 1993
Master in Sanità Pubblica - Università di Boston 1996

Pubblicazioni chiave

Linn , , Wolf, , Bachman, , Knoefel, Janice, Cobb, , Belanger, , Kaplan , , D?Agostino , , The Preclinical Phase of Probable Alzheimer?s Disease: A thirteen year prospective study of the Framingham Cohort , , Myers , , Schaefer , , Wilson , , D?Agonstino , , Ordovas , , Espino , , Au , , White , , Knoefel, Janice, Cobb , , McNulty , , Beiser , , Wolf , , Apolipoprotein E e4 association with dementia in a population based study: the Framingham study , , Adair, , Williamson , , Knoefel, Janice, Cognitive Impairment in Elderly who are not yet Demented.? , , Knoefel, Janice, Expert, Advisory Panel and Writer: Diagnosis, Management and Treatment of Dementia: A Practical Guide for Primary Care Physicians , , Albert, , Knoefel, Janice, The Clinical Neurology of Aging, 2nd edition , ,



Le Lingue

  • English

Corsi insegnati

nessun corso tenuto

Ricerca e borsa di studio

Albert, ML e JE Knoefel (a cura di) La neurologia clinica dell'invecchiamento. 3a edizione, Oxford University Press, New York, 2011. Medicina di Oxford in linea. La stampa dell'università di Oxford. 2013.

Aine, CJ, Sanfratello L, Adair JC, Knoefel JE, Qualls C, Lundy SL, Caprihan A, Stone D, Stephen JM. Caratterizzazione di un gruppo di controllo normale: sono sani? NeuroImage, 84:796-809, 2014.

Rosenberg GA, Prestopnik J, Adair JA, Huisa BG, Knoefel JE, Caprihan A, Gasparovic C, Thompson J, Erhardt EB, Schrader, R. Validazione di biomarcatori nella malattia vascolare ischemica sottocorticale del tipo Binswanger: approccio a studi di trattamento mirati. J Neurol Neurochirurgia Psichiatria. 2015 gennaio 24. pii: jnnp-2014-309421. doi: 10.1136/jnnp-2014-309421.

Rosenberg GA, Prestopnik J. Knoefel JE, Adair JC, Thompson J, R Raja e A Caprihan.
Un approccio multimodale alla stratificazione dei pazienti con demenza: selezione di pazienti con demenza mista prima dell'autopsia. Scienza del cervello. 2019, 9, 187; doi:10.3390/brainsci9080187

Wilamowski K e Knoefel JE, Alzheimer?s Disease in RD Kellerman and DP Rakel (Eds.) Conn?s Current Therapy, Elsevier, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2023